Network Security Connection

Network security is when a computer’s network and data, in both hardware and software, are protected from people trying to access them who should not be accessing them (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). Network security has different programs that are used to prevent any unauthorized access. These programs are called firewalls, encryptions, and antivirus softwares, just to name a few. They are used to protect from cyber-attacks, such as viruses, malware, and hackers. There is nearly 1 cyberattack every 39 seconds, (over 2200 attacks each day) which means that companies and even regular people are always at risk (Fox, 2023). In the past, cyber-attacks were not so common, but since we are now in an era where there is a vast amount of information that is shared and stored electronically, network security has advanced to handle the challenges that come with protecting computers. Many personal computers and business computers have sensitive data that people will try to gain to use against the person that they stole it from, which is why network security is such an important part of information technology. 

Network security connects to the fundamentals of information technology by understanding the hardware, software, and networks that are a part of a computer (Bort, 2000). It is important to understand how they work together so the developer can implement effective network security programs that can prevent both internal and external threats to the computer. An example of a hardware component is a firewall, which protects the network from external threats, while implementing limited access to employees is a way to protect the network from internal threats (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). With the advancement of technology, it is easy to see how network security relates to the concepts of information technology and computer science, including the history of computers and how computers operate. It is crucial for both topics since information technology is all about using digital devices, such as computers, to process, transmit, and store data, and computer science is the study of the computer and its systems, which deal with data as well. When computers were first developed, security was not an important factor to be considered since the use of computers was basic. Now that computers are used on a more global scale, they are more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Network security started off as simply creating a password and it advanced to the measures we have today, such as antivirus software (Wade, 2004). This is why software, such as programming languages, must constantly be updated because it can fix any vulnerabilities the software might have.  

As mentioned earlier in the paper, there are hardware components used for network security, but the two I want to add are network interface card (NIC) and intrusion detection and prevention systems (IDPS). NICs transmit and receive data packets over the network, which can be managed by routers and switches (Trick, 2022). IDPS detect and prevent intrusions by monitoring the network traffic for potential security breaches (Miller, 2020). The security measures are enhanced with the use of programming languages and program execution methods. Programming languages are used to develop various security tools that help detect and prevent security threats. Program execution methods help to isolate and contain malicious software.  

Computers contain a lot of data and for that reason, network security is vital. A data breach, or security breach, is what happens when an unauthorized user accesses a computer, and it can be catastrophic for an individual and a company (Vahid & Lysecky, 2019). The database on a computer may contain sensitive information that needs to be protected from cyber-attacks, and there are several security measures that can protect this data, such as firewalls and encryptions. To have the most effective network security measures in place, it is important to know the network architecture, which includes the design and layout of a network. Network management is maintaining and administering security measures designed to prevent security breaches. 

In conclusion, network security is involved with so many components of a computer system and its network. The security measures are designed to detect and prevent security breaches and protect the data and sensitive information on a computer system.  











Bort, J. (2000, Nov. 13). "The best-kept security secrets; When it comes to great network security, you don't know what you're missing." Network World. Gale Business: Insights,￾GBIB&xid=1eea6fcd 

Miller, J. (2020, December 15). IDs vs IPS vs siem: What you should know: Bitlyft cybersecurity. BitLyft. 

Trick, C. (2022, December 2). What is a NIC card (network interface card)?. Trusted Computing Innovator. 

Vahid, F., & Lysecky, S. (2019). Computing technology for all. zyBooks. 

Wade, J. (2004, July). The weak link in IT security: what good is cutting-edge network security if your own employees sabotage the system by mistake? Risk Management, 51(7), 32+. 


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